Tuesday, February 15, 2011

SSRJ #3 D. Walker

I really liked this story, it made me feel like i was put in the protagonists shoes traveling back to the previous war torn country in which he created havoc in.  I believe that this journey that he was taking would hopefully one day bring him peace from the guilty conscious  he has from his past when he was in the military even though he has changed his whole life his past still haunts him.  He is expecting retaliation to be unleashed upon him his whole trip, but to his surprise he is treated as if nothing had happen, the Vietnamese don't dwell on the past and look toward the future. I almost find that the story is filled with irony because, that is what the protagonist is having trouble dealing with most and that the fact that a country whose civilians were slaughtered in war are able to overcome he should be able to do the same.  He also finds himself trying to repair an "enemies" thumb which was destroyed in the same war he created so much terror in even though it was not his country that did it to him. He has the chance to repair himself with peace of knowing that he can help the other side get on with their life as he can do the same with his own. I wonder even though the operation did not go as Dinh or the protaganist wanted and was not a success, did he feel fulfillment within himself for trying his best at repairing his relationship with the country he hurt the most?

1 comment:

  1. I like your last question. I feel like the narrator left feeling a little more at peace within himself. Instead of imagining a war torn country as he did when he arrived, he left looking for his friend. He may not have repaired Dinh's hand but he did repair a little bit of his personal relationship with Vietnam.
